Lie-Nielsen Toolworks: Page 3

Born from a passion for great hand tools in 1981 by Thomas Lie-Nielsen these heirloom tools from Lie-Nielsen Toolworks USA must be considered amongst the first port of call for your finest classic hand tools.
It has been a long journey for Thomas Lie-Nielsen since 1981 but it is fair to say that his tools are now considered amongst the finest production woodworking hand tools in the world.
Immitation is the ultimate form of flattery and you will find many hybrid copycats out there but in our humble opinion it is difficult to surpass the consistent quality inherent in hand tools from Lie-Nielsen Toolworks backed up by their renowned service to retailers and customers.
Lie-Nielsen Toolworks have a core set of tools; bench and block planes, chisels and saws plus some superb special purpose tools.
Due to the effects of the pandemic, production is currently centred on the stable of core tools (this includes low angle block and bench planes, No.4 bench plane, dovetail saws, the 102 block plane, the Lie-Nielsen honing guide etc).
Click here to visit the Lie-Nielsen YouTube Channel and learn more about their heirloom tools.