
After decades of research the Japanese company Shapton has now optimised the grinding process with innovative ceramic sharpening stones. These achieve an exceptionally high level of material removal and thus save time when sharpening tools and knives.
The Shapton stones have a very high abrasive content which means they cut quickly so you can spend less time shaprening and more time doing!
To help speed up the process they don't need to be soaked in water prior to use, so no waiting around for stones to be saturated before getting to work. Just splash on the water and get sharpening in no time.
Due to Shapton's unique bonding technology they wear slowly, so they do not go out flat as quickly as a traditional waterstone. However they will still need to be flattened, just not as frequently.
Looking for more information? If so please CLICK HERE to vist the Q&A section on the Shapton website.