Friday Finds: Page 5
Welcome to Friday Finds! Here you can find old tools and clearance items that are pre-owned, second hand and used, surplus stock, things we need to move along, or an occasional vintage or antique tool. Enjoy browsing these unique treasures at discounted prices!
We will be adding a selection of tools each Friday lunchtime for the foreseeable future.
Occassionally we may offer some tools for sale on a commssion sale basis. These tools are not owned by Classic Hand Tools and may not form part of our regular portfolio. We are selling on behalf of a customer (who we charge a commsssion). Usually these tools are sold without the requirement to pay VAT in the UK (unless our client is VAT registered which is unlikely).
Further information on Commission Sales can be found here
If you would like to see past sales of pre-owned tools, perhaps to get an idea of what your tools might be worth, visit our Friday Finds Sold Archive.
Occasionally we will buy old tools - mainly good usable chisels, some metal planes, gauges etc.
If you are thinning out your tool collecion wish to sell by commsssion or sell directly to us, please get in contact.
Commssion sale items should have a minimum consignment value of £200. Items of lower value may be sold but will attract a shipping small additional shipping charge of £5 (if sold singularly).
Individual tools such as planes or sets of chisels usually sell well and because we are selling high quality new hand tools to a wide customer base we tend to attract better prices than the auction route. Further information on Commission Sales here
For good quality branded hand tools please send in a few pictures for an initial appraisal. Classic Hand Tools can pick up the tools (by courier), evaluate an agreed selling price after detailed inspection, do the photography and accurately list the items for sale to our wide database. Once sold, we deal with the shipping of the item which can be worldwide.
Please give us a call first to discuss before making the trip to visit us.