Veritas 14 Degree Dovetail Marker
Veritas 14 Degree Dovetail Marker
For quick, accurate marking of dovetails, a dovetail marker is the best tool available. With riding ledges on both sides, these 2" × 2" markers can be flipped over to mark both slopes of the dovetail. They are designed so that the entire ledge is riding on the reference face, even when marking edge dovetails. The relieved corners at the join of the body and the riding ledges ensure...
£6.95 inc VAT
Veritas Dovetail Saddle MarkersVeritas Dovetail Saddle Markers
Veritas Dovetail Saddle Markers
These Veritas dovetail saddle markers are precision machined at 1:6 and 1:8 angles, the traditional angles for softwood and hardwood dovetails respectively. The long legs ensure accurate registration. Also, much like the Veritas® Saddle Square™ they are based on, they allow a continuous line to be transferred around the corner, so the straight and angled lines can be scribed at the same...
£12.75 inc VAT

Veritas 14° Dovetail Saddle Marker (1:4)
Veritas 14° Dovetail Saddle Marker (1:4)
This new 14° marker is designed to approximate a 1:4 ratio, for those who prefer this angle when working in thinner stock, as it not only provides stronger material interlock than traditional ratio angles but produces a slightly exaggerated dovetail joint that many find attractive. The long legs ensure accurate registration. Also, much like the Veritas saddle square they are based on, they allow...
£12.35 inc VAT
Veritas Dovetail MarkersVeritas Dovetail Markers
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Veritas Dovetail Markers
For quick, accurate marking of dovetails, this pair of Veritas Dovetail Markers are the best available. With riding ledges on both sides, these 50 x 50mm markers can be flipped over to scribe both slopes of the dovetail. They are designed so the entire ledge is riding on the reference face, even when marking edge dovetails. The relieved corners at the join of the body ensure perfect seating....
£12.75 inc VAT

Veritas Saddle Square
Veritas Saddle Square
Veritas Small Saddle Square - Transferring a line from one surface to another with a small square is not easy. Our saddle square allows you to scribe two perpendicular surfaces at one time. But, more importantly, it allows you to pick up on a line already scribed & accurately transfer it to another perpendicular face. With 1 1/4" (32mm) & 2 1/4" (57mm) inside legs, it can wrap a...
£13.35 inc VAT
Veritas Large Saddle Square
Veritas Large Saddle Square
Veritas Large Saddle Square - Many of the people who purchased the small saddle square have asked for a larger version. This version has 1-3/8" x 3-3/8" legs to accommodate a standard 2 x 4 e.g., for stud wall layout. It also has a slot machined through the centre to help lay out stud locations. Simply mark the centres of your studs on top and bottom plate, then place the square so that the...
£15.75 inc VAT

Veritas Mitre SaddleVeritas Mitre Saddle
Veritas Mitre Saddle
When working on small items such as picture frames, a large combination square or try square can often be cumbersome. Not so with the new Veritas mitre saddle. The relatively small size makes it easy to use. Despite its small size, it still has a large reference face (3-1/2" at the wide end) set at 45°. The leg measures 1" wide by 2-1/4" long. As with the saddle squares, the sides are machined...
£14.95 inc VAT