The Anarchist's Tool Chest
The Anarchist's Tool Chest
By Christopher Schwarz "When I am too exhausted, ill or busy to work in my shop, I will shuffle down the stairs to my 15' x 25' workshop and simply stand there for a few minutes with my hands on my tools. To be sure, I thought I was a touch nuts because of this personality quirk. But after reading the oral histories and diaries of craftsmen from the last 300 years, I found it's...
£44.50 (VAT exempt)
The Essential Woodworker
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The Essential Woodworker
By Robert Wearing Robert Wearing's hand-tool masterwork. This book contains every skill you need to get into hand-tool woodworking. And it is explained with a minimum of fuss, using accepted traditional practice and with the assistance of more than 500 beautiful hand-drawn illustrations. “The Essential Woodworker” is one of the best books on hand-tool usage written in the post-Charles...


£29.00 (VAT exempt)

The Joiner & Cabinet Maker
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The Joiner & Cabinet Maker
The Joiner and Cabinet Maker" has more than 370 pages of detailed handtool instruction, including many processes that have not been covered before in the early woodworking literature. In 1839. In that year, an English publisher issued a small book on woodworking that has – until now – escaped detection by scholars, historians and woodworkers. Titled "The Joiner and Cabinet...


£35.00 (VAT exempt)
The Woodworker's Pocket BookThe Woodworker's Pocket Book
The Woodworker's Pocket Book
Edited by Charles H. Hayward “The Woodworker’s Pocket Book” is small – just 4” x 6-1/2” – but it contains 112 pages of critical woodworking information for the hand tool woodworker. Edited by the great Charles H. Hayward and published in 1949, “The Woodworker’s Pocket Book” is a guide to everything from finishing recipes to drawing ellipses...
£21.00 (VAT exempt)

Mechanic's CompanionMechanic's Companion
Mechanic's Companion
by Peter Nicholson “Mechanic’s Companion” is one of the foundational English-language texts in woodworking and the building trades. First published in 1812, "Mechanic's Companion" is an invaluable and thorough treatment of techniques, with 40 plates that provide an excellent and detailed look at the tools of the time, along with a straightforward chapter on the geometry...
£24.00 (VAT exempt)
Slojd in Wood
Slojd in Wood
by Jögge Sundqvist We'd like you to visit the world of slöjd, a place where people make the things they need using simple tools and materials that are all around them. Your guide on this journey is Jögge Sundqvist, who has been making things with his hands and little bits of steel since he was a boy. To join in, you need only a knife and a few other simple tools to make useful...
£37.00 (VAT exempt)

By Hound & Eye
By Hound & Eye
By Geo. R Walker & Jim Tolpin, Illustrated by Andrea Love "By Hound & Eye: A Plain & Easy Guide to Designing Furniture with no Further Trouble" is an illustrated cartoon journey through the world of pre-industrial design geometry. It stars Journeyman and his pizza-loving dog, Snidely, as they untangle the world of points, segments, arcs and the three-dimensional world using...
£27.50 (VAT exempt)
Cut & Dried
Cut & Dried
By Richard Jones Serious woodworkers have long been starved of accurate information on wood technology that's explained in language for artisans - instead of for scientists. Author Richard Jones has spent his entire life as a professional woodworker and has dedicated himself to researching the technical details of wood in great depth, this material being the woodworker's most important...
£62.00 (VAT exempt)

Making & Mastering Wood Planes (Revised Edition)
Making & Mastering Wood Planes (Revised Edition)
By David Finck. Foreword by James Krenov No matter what sort of handplane you use, “Making & Mastering Wood Planes” is perhaps the best guide available to understanding, tuning and using these tools at a high level. Written by a graduate of the College of the Redwoods (now The Krenov School), “Making & Mastering Wood Planes” is ostensibly about the laminated handplanes...
£29.00 (VAT exempt)
With The Grain
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With The Grain
By Christian Becksvoort July 2023 - Note the change in cover colour. A little knowledge about trees goes a long way toward improving your woodworking. You don’t need a degree in dendrology to build a desk. But you do need intimate knowledge of how our raw material grows and – more importantly – how it responds to its environment after it has been cut and dried. This knowledge...
£33.50 (VAT exempt)