Campaign FurnitureCampaign Furniture
Campaign Furniture
By Christopher Schwarz For almost 200 years, simple and sturdy pieces of campaign furniture were used by people all over the globe, and yet this remarkable furniture style is now almost unknown to most woodworkers and furniture designers. The latest book from Lost Art Press seeks to restore this style to its proper place by introducing woodworkers to the simple lines, robust joinery and ingenious...
£41.00 (VAT exempt)
Carving the Acanthus Leaf
Carving the Acanthus Leaf
By Mary May Learning to carve the acanthus leaf is – for carvers – like a pianist learning a Chopin étude, a young oil painter studying the genius of Rembrandt or an aspiring furniture maker learning to cut dovetails by hand. For carvers, especially those who focus on Classical Western ornament, there comes a time they will inevitably encounter the acanthus leaf, learn it,...
£47.50 (VAT exempt)

Chairmaker's Notebook
Chairmaker's Notebook
By Peter Galbert Some words about Chairmakers Notebook from Chris Schwarz of Lost Art Press... Whether you are an aspiring professional chairmaker, an experienced green woodworker or a home woodworker curious about the craft, "Chairmaker's Notebook" is an in-depth guide to building your first Windsor chair or an even-better 30th one. Using more than 500 hand-drawn illustrations,...
£51.50 (VAT exempt)
Chairmaker's Notebook - Full-size Plans
Chairmaker's Notebook - Full-size Plans
For those woodworkers who prefer full-size plans, we now offer plans for the two chairs featured in Peter Galbert's book "Chairmaker's Notebook". The plans feature handmade full-size drawings of the following components of the fan-back and balloon-back chairs: Full-size turning patterns of legs, stretchers and posts - both bobbin and baluster forms. Full-size drawings of...
£22.00 inc VAT

Crucible Big ProtractorCrucible Big Protractor
Crucible Big Protractor
The FirstLightWorks Big Protractor is intended for anyone who needs to set out angular measurements and requires something bigger than the plastic protractor from your school maths set. Suitable for woodworkers, joiners, carpenters, chairmakers and anyone else who makes things using angles that aren't 90 degrees. The FirstLightWorks Big Protractor is 300mm wide and made from 3.2mm 3-ply acrylic...
£74.50 inc VAT
Crucible Card Scraper
Crucible Card Scraper
Card scrapers are usually sold as rectangles or squares. What has been lost to time is that the woodworker is supposed to shape the tool to his or her needs – much like the cutting edge of a jack plane or smoothing plane. So woodworkers of the last 50 or 60 years have found ways to make a rectangular scraper work. Most of us bow the tool with our thumbs to present a curved cutting edge to...


£29.50 inc VAT

Crucible Chairpanzee Analog ComputerCrucible Chairpanzee Analog Computer
Crucible Chairpanzee Analog Computer
Chairmaking is complex enough without having to worry about the trigonometry used to calculate the drilling and sighting angles for a chair’s legs and spindles. The Chairpanzee does all the maths for you with its simple, no-maths-needed interface. Simply slide the tool’s interior card so the splay you desire appears in its top window. Choose the rake you wish in the window below. The...
£20.00 inc VAT
Crucible Design Curves
Crucible Design Curves
While a compass and straightedge can design simple pieces of furniture, you also need curves that have a varying radius to draw smooth shapes that connect three or four points – the accelerating curves that give motion and life to furniture. The tools for these important curves are commonly called French curves or Burmester curves. And they are the starting (and ending) point for any designer...
£56.00 inc VAT

Crucible Lump HammerCrucible Lump Hammer
Crucible Lump Hammer
The Crucible lump hammer has a 2.2lb. hardened steel head and is ideal for assembly, mortising, setting holdfasts and dozens of other chores. Comfortable octagonal hickory handle with a waxed finish. The late, great furniture maker Alan Peters often said that one of his favourite tools was his “lump hammer,” a British term for what Americans might call an engineer’s hammer or a small sledge....
£154.00 inc VAT
Cut & Dried
Cut & Dried
By Richard Jones Serious woodworkers have long been starved of accurate information on wood technology that's explained in language for artisans - instead of for scientists. Author Richard Jones has spent his entire life as a professional woodworker and has dedicated himself to researching the technical details of wood in great depth, this material being the woodworker's most important...
£62.00 (VAT exempt)

Doormaking and Window-Making
Back In Stock
Doormaking and Window-Making
As the Industrial Revolution mechanized the jobs of the joiner - building doors and windows by hand - one anonymous joiner watched the traditional skills disappear and decided to do something about it. That joiner wrote two short illustrated booklets that explained how to build doors and windows by hand. And what was most unusual about the booklets is that they focused on the basics of construction,...


£22.00 (VAT exempt)
From Truths to Tools
From Truths to Tools
By Jim Tolpin and George Walker, Illustrated by Andrea Love Good books give you a glimpse of small truths - about workbenches, joinery or sharpening, for example. Great books, on the other hand, stitch together seemingly disparate ideas to present a new way of looking at the whole world, from your marking awl, to your hand or to the line of the horizon. "From Truths to Tools" is a hand-illustrated...
£25.50 (VAT exempt)

Good Work: The Chairmaking Life of John BrownGood Work: The Chairmaking Life of John Brown
Back In Stock
Good Work: The Chairmaking Life of John Brown
by Christopher Williams “Good Work: The Chairmaking Life of John Brown” by Christopher Williams is the first biography of one of the most influential chairmakers and writers of the 20th century: Welshman John Brown. The book’s title of “Good Work” was an expression John Brown used to describe a noble act or thing. He once mused he wanted to create a “Good Work”...
£47.50 (VAT exempt)
Hands Employed Aright
Hands Employed Aright
By Joshua A. Klein Jonathan Fisher (1768-1847) was the first settled minister of the frontier town of Blue Hill, Maine. Harvard-educated and handy with an axe, Fisher spent his adult life building furniture for his community. Fortunately for us, Fisher recorded every aspect of his life as a woodworker and minister on the frontier. In this book, author Joshua A. Klein, the founder of , examines...
£55.00 (VAT exempt)

Ingenious MechanicksIngenious Mechanicks
Ingenious Mechanicks
by Christopher Schwarz Workbenches with screw-driven vises are a fairly modern invention. For more than 2,000 years, woodworkers built complex and beautiful pieces of furniture using simpler benches that relied on pegs, wedges and the human body to grip the work. While it's easy to dismiss these ancient benches as obsolete, they are - at most - misunderstood. For the last three years,...


£38.50 (VAT exempt)
Joiner's Work
Joiner's Work
by Peter Follansbee Forget what you think about 17th-century New England furniture. It’s neither dark nor boring. Instead, it’s a riot of geometric carvings and bright colours – all built upon simple constructions that use rabbets, nails and mortice-and-tenon joints. Peter Follansbee has spent his adult life researching this beguiling time period to understand the simple tools...
£47.50 (VAT exempt)

Making & Mastering Wood Planes (Revised Edition)
Making & Mastering Wood Planes (Revised Edition)
By David Finck. Foreword by James Krenov No matter what sort of handplane you use, “Making & Mastering Wood Planes” is perhaps the best guide available to understanding, tuning and using these tools at a high level. Written by a graduate of the College of the Redwoods (now The Krenov School), “Making & Mastering Wood Planes” is ostensibly about the laminated handplanes...
£29.00 (VAT exempt)
Mouldings in Practice
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Mouldings in Practice
By Matthew Sheldon Bickford Words from Chris Schwarz of Lost Art Press After years of publishing woodworking information, you often hear that there is nothing new in the craft. Everything has been done before, written before and fully figured out. I used to believe that was true, until I read the manuscript that was to become “Mouldings in Practice” by Matthew Sheldon Bickford....
£44.50 (VAT exempt)

Roubo on Marquetry
Roubo on Marquetry
By Donald C. Williams, Michele Pietryka-Pagán & Philippe Lafargue "To Make as Perfectly as Possible: Roubo on Marquetry" is the first English-language translation of the most important woodworking book of the 18th century. A team of translators, writers, woodworkers, editors and artists worked more than six years to bring this first volume of A.-J. Roubo's work to an...
£49.95 (VAT exempt)
Shaker InspirationShaker Inspiration
Shaker Inspiration
Five Decades of Fine Craftsmanship
£42.00 (VAT exempt)

Slojd in Wood
Slojd in Wood
by Jögge Sundqvist We'd like you to visit the world of slöjd, a place where people make the things they need using simple tools and materials that are all around them. Your guide on this journey is Jögge Sundqvist, who has been making things with his hands and little bits of steel since he was a boy. To join in, you need only a knife and a few other simple tools to make useful...
£37.00 (VAT exempt)
Stanley Catalogue No. 34
Stanley Catalogue No. 34
More than 100 years ago, Stanley Tools printed handsome catalogues that illustrated the company's woodworking and carpentry tools with detailed illustrations and descriptions of how the tools worked. Though few of these catalogues survive, they are an invaluable source of information for hand-tool users, offering exploded parts lists of complex tools - such as the No. 45 plane - and advice on...
£22.00 (VAT exempt)

The Anarchist's Design Book: Expanded EditionThe Anarchist's Design Book: Expanded Edition
The Anarchist's Design Book: Expanded Edition
Why is this book on sale? Basically Lost Art Press need some storage space as the floors are creaking in their new Anthe Building. Please visit the Lost Art Press Blog for more information. By Christopher Schwarz Most of the American furniture we celebrate as the pinnacle of design is overbearing, over-embellished and a monument to waste and excess. These high styles of furniture took hold...
£47.50 (VAT exempt)
The Anarchist's Tool Chest
The Anarchist's Tool Chest
By Christopher Schwarz "When I am too exhausted, ill or busy to work in my shop, I will shuffle down the stairs to my 15' x 25' workshop and simply stand there for a few minutes with my hands on my tools. To be sure, I thought I was a touch nuts because of this personality quirk. But after reading the oral histories and diaries of craftsmen from the last 300 years, I found it's...
£44.50 (VAT exempt)

The Difference Makers
The Difference Makers
by Marc Adams Thanks to the internet, you can see a lot of interesting work with ease. But it’s easy to forget that the vast majority of the images on your screen are of pieces that are derivative, merely acceptable in their craftsmanship and were made by people at the beginning of their journey. When you encounter true greatness it is shocking, inspiring and a bit humbling. The hair on...
£68.50 (VAT exempt)
The Essential Woodworker
Back In Stock
The Essential Woodworker
By Robert Wearing Robert Wearing's hand-tool masterwork. This book contains every skill you need to get into hand-tool woodworking. And it is explained with a minimum of fuss, using accepted traditional practice and with the assistance of more than 500 beautiful hand-drawn illustrations. “The Essential Woodworker” is one of the best books on hand-tool usage written in the post-Charles...


£29.00 (VAT exempt)

The Intelligent Hand
Back In Stock
The Intelligent Hand
By David Binnington Savage "The Intelligent Hand" is a peek into a woodworking life that's at a level that most of us can barely imagine. The customers are wealthy and eccentric. The designs have to leap off the page. And the craftsmanship has to be utterly, utterly flawless. How does one get to this point? And how do you stay there? One answer to these questions is in this book....
£48.00 (VAT exempt)
The Joiner & Cabinet Maker
Back In Stock
The Joiner & Cabinet Maker
The Joiner and Cabinet Maker" has more than 370 pages of detailed handtool instruction, including many processes that have not been covered before in the early woodworking literature. In 1839. In that year, an English publisher issued a small book on woodworking that has – until now – escaped detection by scholars, historians and woodworkers. Titled "The Joiner and Cabinet...


£35.00 (VAT exempt)

The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years Vol. I - Tools
The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years Vol. I - Tools
Note - this is currently out of stock, when there is a further update we will share this with you. There is little doubt that Charles H. Hayward (1898-1998) was the most important workshop writer and editor of the 20th century. Unlike any person before (and perhaps after) him, Hayward was a trained cabinetmaker and extraordinary illustrator, not to mention an excellent designer, writer, editor and...
£44.00 (VAT exempt)
The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years Vol. II - Techniques
The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years Vol. II - Techniques
Note - this is currently out of stock, when there is a further update we will share this with you. There is little doubt that Charles H. Hayward (1898-1998) was the most important workshop writer and editor of the 20th century. Unlike any person before (and perhaps after) him, Hayward was a trained cabinetmaker and extraordinary illustrator, not to mention an excellent designer, writer, editor and...
£44.00 (VAT exempt)

The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years Vol. III - Joinery
The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years Vol. III - Joinery
Note - this is currently out of stock, when there is a further update we will share this with you. There is little doubt that Charles H. Hayward (1898-1998) was the most important workshop writer and editor of the 20th century. Unlike any person before (and perhaps after) him, Hayward was a trained cabinetmaker and extraordinary illustrator, not to mention an excellent designer, writer, editor and...
£37.50 (VAT exempt)
The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years Vol. IV - The Shop & Furniture
The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years Vol. IV - The Shop & Furniture
Note - this is currently out of stock, when there is a further update we will share this with you. There is little doubt that Charles H. Hayward (1898-1998) was the most important workshop writer and editor of the 20th century. Unlike any person before (and perhaps after) him, Hayward was a trained cabinetmaker and extraordinary illustrator, not to mention an excellent designer, writer, editor and...
£39.00 (VAT exempt)

Virtuoso: The Tool Cabinet and Workbench of Henry O. Studley
Virtuoso: The Tool Cabinet and Workbench of Henry O. Studley
By Donald C. Williams. Photographs by Narayan Nayar In a space of just 10" x 39" x 19½", H.O. Studley managed to arrange - with perfection - more than 250 of his tools into a dovetailed mahogany cabinet that has captivated tens of thousands of woodworkers since it was first unveiled in 1988 on the back cover of Fine Woodworking with a single shocking photograph. After a...


£53.50 (VAT exempt)
Welsh Stick Chairs
Back In Stock
Welsh Stick Chairs
By John Brown Welsh Stick Chairs is a small but mighty book. At 104 pages long, this book can be read in an afternoon, but it has changed the lives of thousands of woodworkers all over the globe. John Brown (1933-2008) was a chairmaker in Wales who specialized in Welsh stick chairs, a vernacular form of furniture that was typically made by the end users. Compared to Windsor chairs, Welsh stick...


£29.00 (VAT exempt)

With The Grain
Back In Stock
With The Grain
By Christian Becksvoort July 2023 - Note the change in cover colour. A little knowledge about trees goes a long way toward improving your woodworking. You don’t need a degree in dendrology to build a desk. But you do need intimate knowledge of how our raw material grows and – more importantly – how it responds to its environment after it has been cut and dried. This knowledge...
£33.50 (VAT exempt)
Woodworking in Estonia
Woodworking in Estonia
By Ants Viires; translation by Mart Aru It's one of Roy Underhill's three favourite woodworking books, but you can't buy a copy of it for love or money. Translated into English without the author's permission in the late 1960s, "Woodworking in Estonia" has been a cult classic ever since it first surfaced. It is, according to Underhill, "one of the best books on...
£29.50 (VAT exempt)
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