Auriou Allongee Gouge Series No.9
These Auriou Allongee Gouges form part of the Chris Pye's selection of "Basic" carving tools. To view more tools from this ''Basic'' range please follow this link.
The woodcarving tools from this range will give you many carving choices: deep gouges for shaping, medium for modelling, flat gouges for smoothing surfaces, and the ever-useful V tool; and with these tools...
Auriou Short Fishtail Gouges Series No.9 - 6mm (7/32')
Short fishtail just means the end is splayed rather than with a straight gouge (consistent profile along the body) or allongee (splay starts from the shoulder of the carving tool to the cutting edge).
Lightweight and with beautifully forged short fishtail shapes these 7 gouges, designed by Chris Pye, are a lovely example of how hand forged tools, made in a traditional manner possess a delicacy...
Auriou Straight Gouge Series No.3 5mm (3/16'')
These Auriou Straight Gouges Series No.3 form part of the Chris Pye's selection of "Basic" carving tools. To view more tools from these ranges please follow this link.
The woodcarving tools from this range will give you many carving choices: deep gouges for shaping, medium for modelling, flat gouges for smoothing surfaces, and the ever-useful V tool; and with these tools you'll...
Lettercarving in Wood: A Practical Course
By Chris Pye
Letters are everywhere and lettercarving in wood is a tremendously useful skill for a carver to have: from memorials to signing work; from decorating bowls to house signs.
This book from internationally renowned woodcarving instructor Chris Pye will teach you fundamental lettercarving skills with which to artfully add words or text to an otherwise plain piece of wood.
For beginners,...
Relief Carving in Wood: A Practical Introduction
By Chris Pye
This is a unique book for woodcarvers. Master woodcarver Chris Pye digs deeply into the process of relief carving by pulling apart a single subject, clearly demonstrating how low and high relief carvings 'work' and how to go about carving them.
Follow this book step by step and you'll learn about the tools and how to handle them properly, and fundamental, transferable carving skills...
Woodcarving: Tools, Materials & Equipment
By Chris Pye
Woodcarving, Tools, Materials & Equipment is jam-packed with information about the craft of woodcarving. This well-illustrated guide by master carver Chris Pye covers all you need to know about the tools of the trade.
Covering a wide array of carving challenges such as proper clamping technique to the strengths and limitations of tools, expert Chris Pye offers a wealth of information...