Pfeil Series 17 - Staehli Gouges
The form gives two tools in one - a sharp radious at the base and sides swept like a No.2 Ideal for carving lettering and ornamental work.
Pfeil Series 21 - Dog Leg Chisels
Dog leg chisels are used for finishing rectangular depressions.
Pfeil Series 18 - Schaller Gouges
This multi-use tool is ideal for roughing out sculptures. The base is swept like a No. 11, for cutting curves and hollows. The sides are swept like a No. 3 for cutting surfaces.
Pfeil Series 22 - Wing Parting Tool
Traditional old English form. For finishing fingers, toes, lips etc.
Pfeil Series 23 - Macaroni
The Pfeil Macaroni tool is two forms in one - the base is a straight chisel No 1 and the corners form a parting tool.
Pfeil Series 24 - Fluteroni
This Pfeil Fluteroni is a tool with an assortment of radii.