Pfeil Series 1 - Double Bevel Chisel
These are straight chisels with a double bevel. Straight chisels are used to carve the blank into rough form and to work on large areas.
Pfeil Series 1e - Single Bevel Chisel
These are straight chisels with a single bevel. Like Series 1 chisels, these chisels are used to carve the blank into rough form and to work on large areas. Single bevel. The choice of single or double bevel is largely a matter of preference.
Pfeil Series 1S - Double Bevel Skew Chisel
These are double bevelled skew chisels. The edge is slightly skewed for easy cutting action; often used without a mallet. Removes neat shavings. Double bevel – so the chisel can be used with the skew to the right or left. Useful for carving lettering and ornamental forms.
Pfeil Series 1Se - Single Bevel Skew Chisel
The Pfeil Series 1Se Single Bevel Skew Chisel is an essential tool for woodcarvers who require accuracy and control in their projects. This chisel is expertly designed to carve blanks into rough forms and is particularly effective for working on large areas. The single bevel edge allows for smooth, precise cuts, making it ideal for both roughing out and fine detailing.
Key Features:
Henry Taylor No.2 Skew Chisels
20% discount from price shown. Whilst stocks last!
Pfeil Fishtail Chisel - Series 1F
Fishtail chisels are tools that easily reach difficult areas as the cutting edge is wider than the shaft.
Blades are thin and light.
Pfeil Series 1a - Spoon Bent Chisel
For shaping recesses and working in corners.
Henry Taylor No.1 Spoon Bent Chisels
This range is being discontinued by the supplier, only available while we have stock.
From the "Professional" range of Henry Taylor carving tools. These chisels have a 4¾" (120mm) blade with a ground inner surface and a charcoal black non-reflective finish on the outer surface. Fitted with an octagonal beech handle and brass ferrules. Spoon bent tools are for those awkward...
Pfeil Series 21 - Dog Leg Chisels
Dog leg chisels are used for finishing rectangular depressions.