Clifton No.6 Fore Plane
Product Description
A Clifton No.6 Fore Plane. This size plane is often overlooked as people opt for the longer No.7 Jointer or a shorter 5 1/2. But if you do not wish to go to the length of a No.7 which is 4" (10cm) longer, then the No.6 could be the one at 18" long (45cm). If you have a 5 1/2 and a No.7 already then this plane is not for you. However, if you just have a smoother then this could be the perfect combo.
- Bedrock design frog allows for maximum contact between frog and plane body, and gives you easier, more precise adjustment of the mouth.
- Blade is cryogenically treated O1 steel, heated to 60-62 Rockwell. Cutter Size: 2 3/8'' (60 mm) and 3mm thick.
- Clifton handplanes now come with a single piece cap iron.
- Weight: 3.9 kg
- Built in Sheffield, UK.
Customer Reviews
By Alex Tait on 22nd October 2024
"This bench plane for me was first class is use, I spent six months working on a 17th century cottage doing built in cabinets with solid oak, and this plane is well maintained and in constant use and never let me down. However, I do have a large amount of Lie-Nielsen, Veritas, and many other makes of tools which would do the same job. However, the Clifton No 6 bench plane was a present to me and would not have tried it otherwise, having used it for its intended purpose I would recommend this tool."

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