Set & File: A Practical Guide to Saw SharpeningSet & File: A Practical Guide to Saw Sharpening
Set & File: A Practical Guide to Saw Sharpening
by Matt Cianci In "Set & File," Matt Cianci (aka The Saw Wright) teaches you the fundamentals of maintaining backsaws and handsaws: how to file and joint your saws with the correct rake, fleam and pitch to keep them cutting sharp. You'll also learn how to deal with saw teeth that are in good shape but dull, plus how to successfully doctor teeth that have been abused. Plus, Matt...


£28.00 (VAT exempt)
Vallorbe Triangular Saw FilesVallorbe Triangular Saw Files
Vallorbe Triangular Saw Files
To choose the right file, size it to the tooth. Ideally, about half of the cutting surface of the file will be in contact with the tooth -- half of the file will be in the gullet and the other half unused. When you rotate the file to get a fresh edge, it will be uniformly sharp. If you use a smaller file, only some of the new surface will be fresh and the rest dull.


from £7.50 inc VAT

Veritas Saw File HolderVeritas Saw File Holder
Veritas Saw File Holder
Not only does this Veritas Saw File Holder provide a secondary grip for your saw file, it also helps you control the angle of the file as you sharpen, using the eye's natural ability to judge parallel and level. It has a rotating collar for setting a positive or negative rake angle up to 30°, and a 3" wide protractor to set the fleam (or bevel) angle up to 45° left or right. All you need to...
£42.45 inc VAT
Vallorbe 'Condor' File HandlesVallorbe 'Condor' File Handles
Vallorbe 'Condor' File Handles
Precision needle file handle. These can be reused time and time again. AL260 Condor Handle for Needle Files. Recommended for: 5" xx-slim and 6" xx-slim saw files. AL160 Condor Handle for Needle Files. Recommended for: 4" xx-slim saw files.
£15.00 inc VAT

Vallorbe 'Crocodile' File HandlesVallorbe 'Crocodile' File Handles
Vallorbe 'Crocodile' File Handles
Antislip plastic file handle with hardened threaded insert. These can be reused time and time again. #5 Fits 10-12" files. Recommended for: 10" mill file 7" regular saw file #4 Fits 6-8" files. Recommended for: 8" mill file #3 Fits 4-6" files. Recommended for: 6" mill file 7" slim and 6" saw files #2 Fits 4-6" files. Recommended for: 6"...
£5.00 inc VAT
Veritas Jointer/Edger
Veritas Jointer/Edger
This jointer/edger can be used on cabinet scrapers, scraper plane blades, handsaws and ski edges. It has a 45° jointing capability as well as the standard 90°. The handle has a comfortable, ergonomic shape and the screws are designed so they can be tightened with a small coin (to accommodate skiers). In the shop, it is invaluable for jointing scrapers and handsaws; the fence is relieved next...
£18.15 inc VAT

Vallorbe 10'' Blunt Mill File Single CutVallorbe 10'' Blunt Mill File Single Cut
Vallorbe 10'' Blunt Mill File Single Cut
Vallorbe single cut mill files are used in preparation for saw sharpening, and for squaring the edges of cabinet scrapers prior to sharpening. Can be used in conjunction with Veritas Jointer/Edger. Handles are also available, please see separate listing.
£10.55 inc VAT